What can I say? I love to run. I've run 4 full marathons and 6 halfs. But I love God more and I'm determined to run this race of life for Him to receive the ultimate prize of Heaven. I'd like to share my thoughts with you. You can agree or disagree. Comment or don't. You can read or not read. But it's here if you want it. Enjoy! .

Thursday, October 8, 2009

3:45 - and that's A.M.

Yep. That's what time I got up this morning. My schedule is crazy. I didn't get to run in Cross Country practice yesterday because we did a scavenger hunt. It would've been silly for me to run around looking for clues that I hid myself. So I got the ice cream prizes ready instead and chatted with the High School team a little. My plan was to do my Wednesday run last night after church. But that didn't happen. I was dead tired. I might even admit that my eyes were pretty heavy in our "Love Dare" class at church but that would be wrong. So I decided when I got home from church that I was going straight to bed. And I did. I was out by 9:00. Probably a few minutes before that.

But I wasn't going to give up my Wednesday run. I just decided I would do it on Thursday morning. I will still run tonight. That'll be my Thursday run. Unless I decide to do my Thursday run on Friday morning. We'll see.

So I got up at 3:45. Ran 4 miles. And then caught up on a couple of TV shows I had Tivoed. Is that a word? I watched Glee (hilarious-very good show). Funny - Glee was about a boy who couldn't stay awake at school. And that'll probably be me today. Ironic? I also watched a couple of other shows. I just can't watch them at night. I'm too tired. I know. I'll say it once again. I'm a little strange. My wife can attest. Is that a word?

By the way - I think I'm entering a 5K race on Halloween. I'll write more about that tomorrow if I can find time. Maybe I'll get up at 3:45 and write it.

Keep runnin',

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