What can I say? I love to run. I've run 4 full marathons and 6 halfs. But I love God more and I'm determined to run this race of life for Him to receive the ultimate prize of Heaven. I'd like to share my thoughts with you. You can agree or disagree. Comment or don't. You can read or not read. But it's here if you want it. Enjoy! .
So I accomplished another goal over there ------>. I am officially over 1300 miles for the year. I'm at 1312 as we speak. I would have more but the injury fairy has found me again. More about that in a second. That leaves only one goal left to accomplish, keep my weight in the 150's. I weighed myself this morning. 158. So far, so good and again with the marathon training that's a-coming, I should be fine. I'll weigh myself on Dec. 31 and see if I can check that one off as accomplished. So it should be 10 out of 12 goals accomplished. Not too shabby if I do say so myself.
My Cross Country season ended well! My girls finished 7th and my boys 4th in the state. I had the #1 overall girl in the state and the 3rd and 4th boy. Not too bad for my first year. Would I have liked to have done better. Of course. Any coach that says he's fine not getting first place is lying. You always want the best, but it can't always happen. We accomplished a lot this year and 6 of my 7 runners (boys) got PR's in the state meet. I can't complain about that. I truly think they did their best and I was extremely proud of them. So season successful. Can't wait for next year. I've got a great up and coming boys team. I need to recruit some girls but they could be very successful too.
You may have noticed that I haven't run at all this week. What's up with that?? Well, I'm injured. Again. I have really killed this "stay injury free" goal this year. What is this, the 3rd or 4th time I've been injured? I think I'm getting old. Anyways, this time it was shin splints. I started having pain in the front of my lower left leg at the end of last week. I decided to run 5 miles on Saturday to test it out fully intending to do my long run of 16 on Sunday. It hurt at the beginning of my run, but went away pretty quickly. However, only an hour after I ran and all that night, it was killing me. I iced it for a long time Saturday night and then made the choice to skip my long run. I don't like skipping them and I'm already climbing so it was going to be hard to get back up to speed, but I didn't want it to hurt more. Sunday and Monday it was pretty bad. But I've been icing every night and it feels a lot better now. I could probably run today but it's such a busy day that I'm going to wait. I haven't decided if I'm going to run tomorrow or wait for my long run. I adjusted my long run schedule so I can get back to where I was in three weeks. I'm just going to have to up it each week instead of doing the same distance for two weeks each time. I'm planning to run 14 this Sunday. I hope my injury days are done at least until after Disney marathon weekend. I'll keep you posted.
That's about it for now. Hope everyone has a great week and a very restful and happy Thanksgiving.
We're goin' to state! My cross country team, you know the one I'm coaching for the first time, has made it as far as they could. I am very excited for them. You have to place at least 3rd in your Region as a team to make it to state. Also, the top 10 individuals go as well. I wasn't as worried about my boys as I was my girls. I've got some great girl runners, but my overall numbers have been way down this year so I just wasn't sure, but I sure had high hopes. My boys got 2nd and my girls tied for 3rd. Tied. Holy Cow! What do you do with a tie? Well, in case you're wondering, you go to your 6th runner (Top 5 are added together for your team score). Our 6th runner beat theirs by 5 places. So we won....barely....but we got third. Watching the fourth place coach look at the results was tough. I feel his pain. But I'm very excited for my girls and my guys. They deserve it. State is this Saturday. I don't know what to expect. I'm just glad we made it. It's kindof been tradition.
Since we made it and since I have absolutely loved this season and things have gone great for the most part, I think I can call it a success, so I'm counting goal #7 over there accomplished. Success.
Here's the failure. My wife wouldn't run a half marathon if there was a gun to her head. Plus she's nearly 5 months pregnant. It ain't happening. I got her to run a 5K back in the Spring so that was a start, but she's just not into the running thing. So I have to call that goal (#6) for this year unaccomplished. I made a nice effort. She does walk very faithfully, even pregnant, so I have to commend her for that.
By the way, #8 is very close to getting accomplished. I should reach 1300 this week or next.
#10 is close also. I'm still in the 150's. Just gotta keep it through the holidays but with my Disney training, it should happen.
My running is going fine. I'm finding it very hard to run at night now if I don't run at practice. I'm trying to get back to 6 days a week, but I've been so used to running at CC practice that I'm lacking motivation to run at night. Plus I'm so busy that I'm often too tired to run. I'm hoping once the season is over and I am forced to run at night that I'll get back in the habit. 14 this past Sunday was good. I'm working my way back up for the Goofy Challenge only 65 days away!!!
More about that as it approaches. I'll write again soon.